There are 3 things about me that I do often or enjoy. 1st off  I like playing soccer as of right now I play on a club team  and I played for the school but it's off season. I like playing xbox, my top 3 games right now are Call of Duty, Rocket League, and Grand Theft Auto. I also enjoy anime too, my top 3 for anime are Naruto, Attack on Titan, and Bleach. Those are some basic facts about me :).         


Comic Strip In Indesign and Photoshop
Dragon Project in Photoshop
Pencil Sketch In Photoshop
Color Theroy In Photoshop
Polaroid Project In Photoshop
Merged Character In Illistrator
City perspective In Illistrator
Name Pattern In Illistrator
Ceral Box In Illistrator
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